Model ID: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503 Sitecore Context Id: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503;

Training Support Package Rolled Out to Enhance Job Security of Hospitality Workers

NTUC’s e2i introduces several training support programmes to keep hospitality workers employed and plug manpower gaps.
Model ID: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503 Sitecore Context Id: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 07 Jul 2021
Model ID: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503 Sitecore Context Id: 40c20e9f-0349-496f-8b01-80cf09082503;

Hospitality workers looking to enhance their job security or for redeployment opportunities can now do so with the help of NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute).

e2i has rolled out its Hospitality Training Support Package, comprising a series of training support programmes to help multi-skill and redeploy hospitality workers, thereby safeguarding their employment in the hard-hit sector.

The package consists of a Mentor Assistance Programme (MAP), the Security Training for All Roles (STAR), as well as Generic Essential Training (GET) programmes.

e2i CEO Gilbert Tan said that companies need to look long-term and review their business model or workflow during this difficult time.

He said: “We urge businesses to think about how they can retain their valuable employees. Rather than exercising short-term cost-cutting measures, companies should focus on training and multi-skilling, which will allow them to second staff to different functions and plug in the manpower gaps that they are currently facing as well.

Hospitality companies interested in the MAP, STAR or GET programmes may contact an e2i officer to find out more.

Mentor Assistance Programme (MAP)

MAP was created in February 2020 to counter the impact on jobs as a result of COVID-19.

The programme encourages hospitality-related companies to redesign jobs and multi-skill their employees with the help of experienced mentors. This allows the employees to take on other job roles and safeguard their jobs.

Under the programme, trainees will be given a monthly training allowance of $100 during the training period, while mentors will be given a one-off incentive of $100.

e2i has been working with the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) since February 2020 on this programme. As of May 2021, 33 companies with around 200 mentors and over 800 workers are now onboard this programme.

FDAWU General Secretary Tan Hock Soon said that the union is committed to working closely with hospitality companies to strengthen hospitality workers’ capabilities.

“We will also spare no effort to help willing hotels in embarking on such initiatives, which could help save jobs and reskill workers, and mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on businesses,” he added.

Security Training for All Roles (STAR)

With the increasing demand for security officers in the hospitality industry, e2i developed STAR to equip existing staff from other roles with the relevant skills to take up the security function.

Under the programme, e2i will work with companies to design in-house training plans for their trainees.

This would cover areas such as the screening of patrons or vendors, as well as operating the security systems in the security command centres.

Upon completion, companies must send their trainees for certification at the Police Licensing and Regulatory Department  (PLRD), where they will receive a security license before they can commence security work.

Trainees will be able to receive a monthly allowance of $100 during the training period or be retained in the job for at least six months upon the completion of their training.

The programme is currently being piloted at the Tanglin Club – a private social club unionised under the Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU).

AREU President Hassan Abdullah shared that the training support package by e2i was a timely initiative.

He said: “We look forward to continue working with NTUC’s e2i for the betterment of employees’ welfare, the company’s business, and to help both transition seamlessly to post-COVID operations.”

Generic Essential Training (GET)

COVID-19 has increased the need for staff to adapt to new processes and adhere to new health and safety protocols.

The GET programme initially developed to equip staff with knowledge of Safe Distancing and Personal Data Protection processes, can also include other COVID-19 related training as well.

Currently being piloted at Tanglin Club, a training allowance of up to $144 will be given during the training duration of GET.